When you talk about increasing your profits, generating leads is a commonly brought up phrase. It refers to attracting an audience who are likely to avail of your services. However, if a roofing company like yours really wants to earn more, it doesn’t simply stop at gaining quality roofing leads — you have to turn them into sales.
Here are seven tips how to ensure roofing leads would make the cash register ring.
Design landing pages with your target leads in mind. As part of your roofer marketing strategy, you have to create landing pages that target your ideal customers. Your copy and your visuals should work together to help your visitor make a decision (e.g. Send an inquiry, request a quote, book an initial consultation). You also have to identify and clearly convey what makes you different — how you will address their problems and how they will ultimately benefit if they choose you over others.
Make sure your content provides value for them. A significant chunk of your roofer SEO efforts should be allocated to creating informative content that offers great value for your leads. If you provide roofing maintenance, come up with content that revolves around why it’s essential to maintain a roofing system and what happens if they fail to do it. Through this, you are giving your target leads the notion that you know your thing and have a relevant solution for a problem you’re discussing. Your content should also be promoted on social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn for wider reach.
Set up templated responses. To ensure you don’t lose your leads, you have to ready templates responses whenever they send you an inquiry through whatever platform (e.g., email, Facebook Messenger, LinkedIn inbox). A delayed response time will prompt your audience to look for a more responsive contractor. You don’t have to be specific with your response right away. Simply letting them know that you have received their query can already assure them that you’re available to cater to them.
Track where your prospects are in your sales funnel. Each business has different ways of categorizing where its prospects are in its funnel. But what’s important is you’re tracking yours, and you’re doing something to get them to the bottom and ultimately book your service. This brings us to the next item.
Follow up prospects you haven’t secured yet. Following up on your leads offers a huge pay-off. The moment you leave them hanging, no matter where they may be in your funnel, you will turn them off. If your lead inquired via your lead form, you have to get back to them via email — and you should do so as promptly as you can. If, after multiple attempts, they still don’t become a customer, you can still add them to your monthly newsletter list. This way, you will still have a line of communication with them. When they’re ready to finally avail of your service, then you can still convert them into sales.
Provide pertinent details on your initial call. When you’re lead is ready for a call, you have to prepare thoroughly. Ready the responses to their initial questions and be prepared to offer options that can make the project more favorable (e.g., less pricey, shorter timeline).
Always be professional and prompt. There are different ways to generate roofing leads. But no matter how they are able to know your business or which platform they’re inquiring about, turning them into customers is a matter of persistence, promptness, and professionalism. Be courteous at all times — and you should maintain the same quality of service once they become your client.
You need to be always closing when it comes to roofing leads. DMN8 Partners and our years of expertise with roofer marketing can help you. Contact us today to find out how.