What Is An SEO Audit, And Why Do I Need It

Before getting to work on the SEO of our website or to get SEO done in affordable price (https://minimicegroup.com/ which is the term in Thai), we must know the state in which it is located and what the business needs are since it is not the same to position a corporate website at the local level that A great international eCommerce. And to get this valuable information, we must do an SEO audit.

The main objective of an SEO audit is to study our business and competition, detect the problems that exist on the website, establish a list of actions and create a schedule of implementations that prioritize critical actions.

An SEO audit does not consist in making a list of actions and seeing if they are implemented or not, as some free SEO tools that we will talk about later do. It involves doing a thorough study of the business at a technical level, content, authority, and web positioning.

How To Do An Seo Audit

Know The Business

Before we begin, we must know the business thoroughly, analyze its digital objective (get records through a form, sell a product or service, generate branding, etc.) and determine if our SEO traffic acquisition strategy will increase profits of the business. Sometimes it is necessary to make some improvements at the level of design and content before starting with SEO to improve the conversion rates of the web. We must not forget that the business objective will guide all the actions that are implemented on the web.

Detect The Competition

Once we know the state in which the business is, we must compare ourselves with the competition. It is time to identify the competitors, analyze their organic traffic, see the keywords they are positioned for, and in what positions, in addition to detecting possibilities of improvement and failures they have made, which can give us an advantage.

Prioritization Of Actions And Execution Schedule

Now is the time to make decisions knowing the needs of the project, the existing competition, and the state of the web. The final objective of the audit is to take action and focus our efforts on the work area that can generate the most positive impact.

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